Lysol (cleaner) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
"In the US, from around 1930 to 1960, vaginal douching with a Lysol disinfectant solution was the most popular form of birth control. US marketing ads printed testimonials from European 'doctors' touting its safety and effectiveness."
Wow. I like Lysol -- it makes my house feel clean. But BIRTH CONTROL? I never knew this. It's so bizzare!!! How in the world did someone decide that was a good idea? What woman would use Lysol in such a way? Wow.
Technorati Tags:lysol, birth control, bizzare, wikipedia
Man! I totally just read that advertisement! Is that ad. saying that she couldn't get any action from the man of the house because she smelled bad? For the love of popscicle sticks! That is some crazy crap!
I have been amazed at some of the old advertisements... touting the benefits of cocaine, cleaning products, tobacco, etc... Back in the day, before the FDA required proof of effectiveness, it seems that manufacturers tried to market their products to any niche that seemed even remotely reasonable. Health niches were particularly popular.
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