Thursday, December 13, 2007

Can you hear this?

According to Wikipedia, these sounds started out as a way to repel "young loiterers" outside shops in Europe. List below are certain tones that you should (or shouldn't) be able to hear based on age. Apparently, young people are using these sounds as ring-tones so the old folks (teachers, etc) can't tell when they're getting text messages or telephone calls in class. Give this a try and let me know, in the comments, when you can't hear the tones.

The the one labeled 30 & younger is audible to me... The 16.7khz tone (younger than 24) is barely audible to me. The 17.7khz tone (younger than 24) MIGHT be audible -- or I might just wish to be hearing it. Beyond that, I can't hear a thing. Really: I want to know your results!

I may use this as my "alert" tone on the instant messenger at work.

8khz - Everyone

10khz 60 & Younger

12khz 50 & Younger

14.1khz 49 & Younger

14.9khz 39 & Younger

15.8khz 30 & Younger

16.7khz < 24

17.7khz < 24

18.8khz < 24

19.8khz < 24

21.1khz < 24

22.4khz < 24


The source for these particular tones is Free Mosquito Ringtones.


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