Friday, December 09, 2005


It's expected to be around 12F here tonight -- the coldest day of the year yet. My mother reminded me to "open the cabinets beneath the sink" -- to allow warm air to reach the pipes apparently. I came in a few minutes ago and noticed that the trees are making strange creaking noises as the wind blows gently. Trees make strange noises when it's very cold.

Natural gas prices have gone up in the last year and one of the "energy right" specialists at the power company recommended that I get a small ceramic heater for my bedroom. This will allow me to turn the thermostat down for the rest of the house and more cheaply remain comfortable as I sleep. This plan has worked well, so far. In the beginning, I woke up in the morning stuck to my sheets with sweat, but I've since regulated the thermostat on the heater. I've been very pleased, but we'll see how much money I'm saving when I get my electric and gas bill.

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