Monday, December 12, 2005

City Property... and the burden of office

The board voted tonight to purchase the Dyer Builders building from Scott for $30,000. Initial estimates indicate that it won't cost more than an additional $15,000 to ready the building for the fire department. If the need arose, we could move the fire department into the building almost immediately. Ultimately, we'll want to insulate the parking bay area, add some additional electrical connections, and install a gas heater.

It was interesting -- the last few meetings we've had a room full of visitors who were barely respectful and had serious complaints. Tonight we had one visitor who was almost obsequious. He was an older gentleman who lives on North Main St. -- I don't think he's lived in town very long. He's asked that we reduce the speed limit on North Main to 30 mph (from the posted 45 mph). Except for the fact that it will slow ME down, I don't have an objection. I've asked Chief Lindsey to study the request -- it may be that we'll have to ask the state for permission to reduce the speed. That stretch of road was at one time a state highway.

If we do reduce the speed, I'm certain we'll get complaints. The 30 mile per hour speed zone would stretch from the country club to the Poly M building. We don't want to become a giant slow zone, BUT, one can always take the bypass.

The request has a good reason -- the whole area is residential and some residents do have to back onto the road in order to enter it. Some of the driveways are rather narrow and short. There are several small children on this end of town as well... 45 mph is VERY fast when you're 4 years old or are trying to back your car onto a busy roadway.

Before the meeting, this morning, actually, I got a call from a citizen who is concerned that police are "harassing" her son. As the "commish", this is my baliwick, I suppose. Very touchy stuff. I've been assured that our officers do follow and have been following the law.

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