Monday, November 19, 2007

What's the point?

I bought a loaf of bread at Wal-Mart last night.

I bought wheat bread -- I can't think of a sandwich that's not better on wheat bread (and I had a long conversation with Judy about just that topic today -- she seems to think fried eggs are better on white bread). I especially love Peanut Butter on wheat bread, flavorful wheat bread. Mmmm. Good.

1626365902_9a2b118977_o So, I'm shopping for bread at Wal-Mart. There are, literally, dozens of brands and varieties available. It's much easier to buy bread at Foodrite. A larger selection is not always better for this small-town boy.

I have made my selection and I notice that right next to my chosen loaf is another loaf of the same type -- but it's only a HALF loaf. "Wow," I thought, "great, I probably won't eat this full loaf before it goes stale. I'll buy a half loaf." Yeah, good thought, but I checked the price (something I'm not known to do). I would expect the half-loaf to be half the price of the full loaf.... wrong. It was about 75% the cost of the full thing. So, my math friends, what's my return on investment?

I dunno. I don't care.

I might eat more than half this loaf. I might eat as much as 75%! I'm just gonna take my chances with the whole loaf.


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