Thursday, November 15, 2007

9 Words That Don't Mean What You Think

 9 Words That Don't Mean What You Think |


People think it means:

Actually means:
Not a damned thing.

This is not a word. Now, we have no problem with making up words (if a particular scent can only be described as "fartalicious," we reserve the right to call it so). The problem with this one is "regardless" already means something isn't worth regard (that's why the "less" is there) so adding the "ir" to it means... it's worth regarding again? Who knows.


My father and I have discussed this word for years. When he wants to especially aggravate me -- or make a point about how ridiculous something is, he'll use this word.

Yeah Dad. You're right. Click the link above to see some other words that are commonly misused.


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