Sunday, January 01, 2006

The new year comes with a BANG? More of a thud...

We've had huge parties with more than 70 or 80 people... I've spent new years with small groups before. I'm getting old, surely, because this year we had about 10 folks at Tori's parent's house and played games and basically sat around to greet the new year. I left at 12:30 and I was the last to leave.

We had a great time. Lots of games including Spades, Apples to Apples, and "Scene It". Lots of food including summer-sausage, dry pepperoni, dips and chips, etc. Champagne, a little beer, and some Tennessee Sippin' Whiskey. I don't think anyone got drunk or even close. Very relaxed and that was the plan.

Liz and her boyfriend, Ben, came by. We have a history of including youngsters in our get-togethers. Tom and Jay were present (and literally kicked out of) some parties, but I think it was a good experience for them then and a good experience for Liz now. It's hard to believe she's a senior and will be graduating in May. I finally verified that Ben is Robert Dodd's nephew -- I think I knew that, but I probably forgot. Ben's a nice enough guy and seems to make Liz happy so that's enough for me.

I was pleased to see Jeremy come from Jackson. I think he had a good time. We invited him to Memphis for last year's new year's festivities, but he declined. It's easy to come to Dyer, though, with little cost and no expectations. I'm glad he came.

I wish I'd been able to get Adrienne to visit us. She was busy getting ready for school on Monday. If she lived closer, I think she'd be a great date to just about any event. She's absolutely enchanting.

I hope the new year brings us all prosperity and happiness. Best wishes for a great 2006!

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