Sunday, September 16, 2007

Gabba Gabba GOOOOO!

The Pentecostal Church and The Holy Ghost Want You To Wear Pig Panties � Violent Acres:
"Not only were we surrounded by friends, but at any second, there was a distinct possibility that someone would become possessed by the good ol’ Holy Ghost and feel compelled to shout at the ceiling, “GABBA GABBA GOOOOO!”"

I'm fascinated by "spirit filled churches". I do believe that the Spirit manifests itself in different ways in different people and different communities of faith -- it's a fact that we don't speak in tongues or fall under the spirit very often in our small-town Methodist Church. I'm told that it happens in other local churches.

The above account (and I recommend reading the entire post) is hilarious and also informative. I've not read such a frank account of life in a Pentecostal church before.


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Love Bug said...

Everyone should totally read the entire article! It's friggin' HIL-AR-IOUS! I have to say that farm animal underwear, well...hmmmm...where does one even BUY that type of underwear in THAT size? Seems like a Blue Light special, to me.

Nathan said...

I've searched everywhere for pig-panties and can't find any... If you find some, let me know!

I laughed 'til I cried. Honest.