ABC News: $1 Parking Ticket From 1980 Paid Off
A $1 parking ticket from 1980 has been paid off, after the offender sent the payment along with a $3 late fee to police without giving a name.
When I left Memphis, I folded up a hundred dollar bill, stuck it in a library book, and dropped it into the night depository at the main branch of the library. I hope they're not still looking for me. A friend who worked there told me that at one time, my picture was taped to the circulation desk with "DO NOT LEND" stenciled across the top.
This story reminds me that my Dad got a parking ticket when he was in Memphis one time. I had intended to "get it fixed" but I never did. I wonder if the MPD is on the lookout for him? I can imagine that conversation now.
Technorati Tags: cities, stories, fines, parking tickets
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