Thursday, October 25, 2007

A smoking pile of rubble

In the total loss of building use scenario, what likely exists will be a smoking pile of rubble. This rubble will contain many components that could be dangerous. It could also contain any personnel on the premises at the time of the disaster. For these reasons, the local fire marshal with the assistance of the police will control the site until the building is no longer a threat to surrounding properties and the companies have secured the site from the general public.

I've been reading the disaster recovery plan for one of our providers. Above is a particularly fun paragraph.

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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Breaking news?

I know that I tend to ramble here. The websites that offer recommendations on blogging say that you should pick a topic and stick to it. Oh well.

On September 24, our little town adopted a new law that may be controversial in some circles. It was on the local television news on October 9, Tuesday of last week (see the previous blog post). It showed up as "Breaking News" on the main local daily newspaper late last week (Friday I think). Their coverage on this breaking news story (almost a month old now) was basically, "City passes ordinance restricting ownership of some dogs." Seriously. It was one line -- on the website. No story followed the next day.

There was a message on my answering machine tonight from a reporter for the local daily newspaper. She left the message at about 7:45 for a news story that will, I guess, run tomorrow. I returned her call just after 10 o'clock. She thanked me for my call but said she'd already filed the story.

I have no idea why this has become an issue now. Further bulletins as events warrant... :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Not quite a TV star

The rumors are true. I was on television last night. I don't think I made the best showing, but I'm told I was very serious. Out of about 20 minutes of video I'm on camera like 30 seconds... Oh well.

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Wednesday, October 03, 2007

And they do not like you...

from "There Will Be No Peace" - W.H. Auden
You must live with your knowledge.
Way back, beyond, outside of you are others,
In moonless absences you never heard of,
Who have certainly heard of you,
Beings of unknown number and gender:
And they do not like you.

Wow. That's dark. Look up the rest of the poem if you're interested. I love W. H. Auden. Not a love poet, certainly, but WOW.

And no, I don't think this poem's about you... be happy!

I'll record the rest of it and post it as a link later.