The Herald Democrat
When he asked her if she knew why McDaniel stopped her, she stated “because I was walking in traffic.” Yes, that was correct, and he explained she couldn’t walk in the roadway. Then, he asked her if she was high on some kind of drug. Her answer, the report said, was “I am. It’s the Holy Spirit and little bit of marijuana.” He asked if she had any left and she said, “Not enough to get you high, but I know who to go to for more.” McDaniel asked who and she answered, “Jesus.”
Hrm. I wonder what church she's going to? I've heard of Jesus as God incarnate, the head of the church, brother, friend, Superstar, lamb, and on and on; he's got dozens or hundreds of "roles" in our society, but I've never thought of Jesus as my DEALER.
Technorati Tags: Jesus, drugs, news, funny, marijuana